Athanasius Werke | Arbeitsstelle Erlangen/Wien


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Heil, Uta/Scheerer, Christof, Athanasius Werke. Band 3 / 2. Teil: Dokumente zur Geschichte des arianischen Streites. Die Entwicklungen in den Nachfolgestaaten des Römischen Reiches bis zum Symbolum Quicumque, Berlin and Boston 2022

Boezelman, Wijnand Adrianus, Athanasius' Use of the Gospel of John: A Rhetorical Analysis of Athanasius' Orations against the Arians, Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics 77, Piscataway, NJ 2021
Abstract: "The Orations against the Arians are an important landmark in the development of Christological and Trinitarian doctrine. The Orations contain extensive references to the Christian Scriptures and are steeped in rhetoric. The use of Scripture and polemical rhetoric against Athanasius' theological opponents, the Arians, is intricately interwoven. This monograph offers a rhetorical analysis of the Orations against the Arians to demonstrate the interplay of scriptural reasoning and polemic in Athanasius' work. In this way, Boezelman's study provides a fresh perspective on the reception of John's Gospel in the fourth century"--.

Brennecke, Hanns Christof/Stockhausen, Annette von, Athanasius Werke. Band 3 / 1. Teil: Dokumente zur Geschichte des arianischen Streites. Lieferung 5: Bis zum Vorabend der Synode von Konstantinopel (381), Berlin; Boston 2020

Löhr, Winrich, Arius and Athanasius, in: Mark Edwards (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Philosophy 2020, 461–474.

Morales, Xavier, Athanase d'Alexandrie aimait-il ses ennemis?, in: Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa 56, 2020, 191–212.

Barry, Jennifer, Bishops in Flight: Exile and Displacement in Late Antiquity, Oakland, CA 2019

Gwynn, David M., Patronage Networks in the Festal Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria, in: Carmen Angela Cvetković/Peter Gemeinhardt (Hrsg.), Episcopal Networks in Late Antiquity. Connection and Communication Across Boundaries (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte; Band 137). Berlin;Boston 2019, 101–116.

Morales, Xavier, Athanase a-t-il rédigé l'encyclique d'Alexandre d'Alexandrie?, in: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique 114, 2019, 541–589

Schulz, Fabian, Jovian, an Emperor Who Did Not Bow to Heretics and Infidels? A Critical Reading of the Petitiones Arianorum, in: Kamil Cyprian Choda/Maurits Sterk de Leeuw/Fabian Schulz (Hrsg.), Gaining and Losing Imperial Favour in Late Antiquity. Representation and Reality. Leiden 2019, 193–218.

Anatolios, Khaled, Creatio ex nihilo in Athanasius of Alexandria's Against the Greeks-On the Incarnation, in: Gary A. Anderson/Markus Bockmuehl (Hrsg.), Creation ex nihilo: Origins, Development, Contemporary Challenges. Notre Dame 2018, 119–149.

DelCogliano, Mark, How Did Arius Learn from Asterius? On the Relationship between the Thalia and the Syntagmation, in: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 69, 2018, 477–492

Greenwood, David Neal, New Testament Christology, Athanasian Apologetic, and Pagan Polemic, in: The Journal of Theological Studies 69, 2018, 101–105

Heil, Uta, Athanasius of Alexandria – Teacher and Martyr of the Christian Church, in: Eve-Marie Becker/Jacob Mortensen (Hrsg.), Paul as homo novus. Authorial strategies of self-fashioning in light of a Ciceronian term. Göttingen 2018, 177–196.

Tovar, Sofía Torallas, Athanasius' letter to Dracontius: a fourth-century Coptic translation in a papyrus roll (P.Monts.Roca inv. 14), in: Adamantius 24, 2018, 43–59
Abstract: P.Monts.Roca inv. 14 (LDAB 749338) is a papyrus scroll containing the Coptic translation of Athanasius' Letter to Dracontius (CPG 2132, CC 0932). The philological significance of this version is here discussed with some examples of variants (including a new paragraph of the text, probably omitted in the whole Greek tradition because of haplography in the archetype). This roll opens also many questions about issues such as communication of the patriarchate of Alexandria in the fourth century with the rest of Christian Egypt, the use of this particular format of manuscript, the translation of official documents.

Capone, Alessandro, La versione latina del De salutari epiphania contra Apollinarium (= Pseudo-Atanasio, Contra Apollinarium liber II): note critiche, in: Francesca Prometea Barone/Caroline Macé/Pablo Alejandro Ubierna (Hrsg.), Philologie, herméneutique et histoire des textes entre Orient et Occident. Mélanges en hommage à Sever J. Voicu. Turnhout 2017, 161–174.

Declerck, José, À qui la lettre Sur les décrets de Nicée d'Athanase d'Alexandrie (CPG 2120) était-elle adressée?, in: Francesca Prometea Barone/Caroline Macé/Pablo Alejandro Ubierna (Hrsg.), Philologie, herméneutique et histoire des textes entre Orient et Occident. Mélanges en hommage à Sever J. Voicu. Turnhout 2017, 381–404.

Schneider, Carolyn M., The text of a Coptic monastic discourse, On love and self-control : its story from the fourth century to the twenty-first, Cistercian studies series 272, Athens, Ohio 2017.

Capone, Alessandro, Pseudo-Athanasius, De incarnatione Christi contra Apollinarium: Some Critical Remarks, in: Francesca Gazzano/Lara Pagani/Giusto Traina (Hrsg.), Greek texts and Armenian traditions. An interdisciplinary approach (Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes; Band 39). Berlin ; Boston 2016, 231–240.

Cartwright, Sophie, Athanasius' „Vita Antonii“ as Political Theology: The Call of Heavenly Citizenship, in: The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 67, 2016, 241–264

Clauss, Manfred, Athanasius der Große. Der unbeugsame Heilige, Darmstadt 2016.

Hill, Kevin Douglas, Athanasius and the Holy Spirit: The Development of His Early Pneumatology, Minneapolis 2016.

Müller, Christian, Revisiting an Authority's Secret(s) of Success: The Rise and Decline of the Latin Athanasius, in: Shari Boodts/Johan Leemans/Brigitte Meijns (Hrsg.), Shaping Authority. How Did a Person Become an Authority in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance? (Lectio; Band 5). Turnhout 2016, 197–222.

Savvidis, Kyriakos, Athanasius Werke I/1 Die dogmatischen Schriften. 5. Lieferung: Epistulae dogmaticae minores, Berlin, Boston 2016.

Alexandropoulos, Georgios, A Corpus-stylistic Approach of the Treatises of Great Athanasius About Idolatry, in: Jan Žižka/Frantisek Darena (Hrsg.), Modern computational models of semantic discovery in natural languages. Hershey 2015, 273–299.

Anatolios, Khaled u. a., Book forum, in: Theology Today 71, 2015, 440–463

Artemi, Eirini, Athanasius of Alexandria and „The Kingdom of the Desert“ in His Works, in: Vox Patrum 35, 2015, 79–92

Baghos, Mario, The Traditional Portrayal of St Athanasius according to Rufinus, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodoret, in: Doru Costache/Philip Kariatlis/Mario Baghos (Hrsg.), Alexandrian legacy: a critical appraisal. Newcastle upon Tyne 2015, 139–171.

Chiriatti, Mattia Cosimo, L'incontro-scontro politico-ideologico tra Chiesa e Impero: la relazione tra Costantino e Atanasio di Alessandria alla luce dell'Apologia contra Arianos, in: Josep Vilella Masana (Hrsg.), Constantino, ¿el primer emperador cristiano? Religión y política en el siglo IV. Barcelona 2015, 235–242.

Cooper, Adam G., The Gift of Receptivity: St Athanasius on the Security of Salvation, in: Doru Costache/Philip Kariatlis/Mario Baghos (Hrsg.), Alexandrian legacy: a critical appraisal. Newcastle upon Tyne 2015, 93–109.

DelCogliano, Mark, Asterius in athanasius' catalogues of arian views, in: The Journal of Theological Studies 66, 2015, 625–650

Edwards, Denis, Athanasius' Letters to Serapion: resource for a Twenty-First Century Theology of God the Trinity, in: Doru Costache/Philip Kariatlis/Mario Baghos (Hrsg.), Alexandrian legacy: a critical appraisal. Newcastle upon Tyne 2015, 72–92.

Fairbairn, Donald, The sardican paper, antiochene politics, and the council of alexandria (362): Developing the „faith of nicaea“, in: The Journal of Theological Studies 66, 2015, 651–678

Gwynn, David M., Athanasius of Alexandria, in: Ken Parry (Hrsg.), Wiley Blackwell Companion to Patristics. Chichester 2015.

Kariatlis, Philip, Soteriological Insights in St Athanasius' On the Incarnation, in: Doru Costache/Philip Kariatlis/Mario Baghos (Hrsg.), Alexandrian legacy: a critical appraisal. Newcastle upon Tyne 2015, 110–121.

Mellas, Andrew, The Chora Within: Unveiling Ascetism in St Athanasius' Life of St Antony, in: Doru Costache/Philip Kariatlis/Mario Baghos (Hrsg.), Alexandrian legacy: a critical appraisal. Newcastle upon Tyne 2015, 122–138.

Muehlberger, Ellen, The legend of arius' death: Imagination, space and filth in late ancient historiography, in: Past & Present 227, 2015, 3–29

Sheridan, Mark, Early Egyptian Monasticism: Ideals and Reality, or: The Shaping of the Monastic Ideal, in: Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies 7, 2015, 9–24

Avagyan, Anahit, Die armenische Athanasius-Überlieferung. Das auf Armenisch unter dem Namen des Athanasius von Alexandrien tradierte Schrifttum, Patristische Texte und Studien 69, Berlin, Boston 2014
Abstract: Die vorliegende Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit dem erhaltenen handschriftlichen Bestand der armenischen Übersetzungen des Athanasius von Alexandrien und zieht die ersten Rückschlüsse daraus. Die altorientalischen Übersetzungen zeigen eine faszinierende Rezeption der Kirchenväter auf. Neben dem Syrischen und Koptischen ist auch das Klassisch-Armenische die Sprache, in die sehr früh, teilweise noch im 5. Jahrhundert, (pseudo-)athanasianische Texte übertragen wurden. Außerdem sind über zwanzig Schriften erhalten, die als Athanasiana armeniaca bezeichnet werden können. Damit werden die Texte aufgefasst, die in der armenischen Übersetzungsliteratur unter dem Namen des alexandrinischen Patriarchen Athanasius des Großen überliefert sind, für man aber bisher keine griechischen Originale nachweisen kann. Die vorliegende Untersuchung befasst sich mit dem handschriftlichen Bestand der Texte und arbeitet die verschiedenen Redaktionen für das jeweilige Werk heraus. Damit wird die Grundlage für eine kritische Ausgabe der armenischen Übersetzungen geschaffen. Das Buch leistet zudem einen Beitrag zu den Studien über die (prä-)graecophile Schule bzw. die nachklassische Stufe des Alt-Armenischen, da bei einigen Schriften ausführliche griechisch-armenische Kollationen durchgeführt wurden.

Boezelman, Wijnand A., The Gospel of John and polemical equation of Arians to Jews in Athanasius' Orationes contra Arianos and contemporary works, in: Studia Patristica 72, 2014, 133–146.

Brennecke, Hanns Christof u. a., Athanasius Werke. Band 3 / 1. Teil: Dokumente zur Geschichte des arianischen Streites. Lieferung 4: Bis zur Synode von Alexandrien (362), Berlin; Boston 2014

DelCogliano, M., Review: Athanase d'Alexandrie: Lettre sur les synodes. Synodale d'Ancyre. Basile d'Ancyre: Traite sur la foi. Edited by ANNICK MARTIN and XAVIER MORALES., in: The Journal of Theological Studies 65, 2014, 738–746

De Vos, Ilse/Grinchenko, Olga, The Quaestiones ad Antiochum ducem. Exploring the Slavonic Material, in: Byzantion 84, 2014, 105–143

Dudzik, Pavel, Nicene Terminology Defended by Athanasius of Alexandria in „De Decretis Nicaenae Synodi“ and the Possible Influence of Eusebius' „Epistula ad Caesarienses“, in: Vox Patrum 34, 2014, 123–135

Fairbairn, Donald, Context, Context, Context: Athanasius' Biblical Interpretation in Contra Arianos, in: Perichoresis 12, 2014, 119–135

Gemeinhardt, Peter, Athanasius von Alexandrien: Bischof, Theologe, Kirchenpolitiker. Mit einem Anhang: Athanasius in der byzantinischen Hagiographie, in: Die Kirche und ihre Heiligen. Studien zu Ekklesiologie und Hagiographie in der Spätantike. Tübingen 2014, 361–384.

Gemeinhardt, Peter, Vita Antonii oder Passio Antonii? Biographisches Genre und martyrologische Topik in der ersten Asketenvita, in: Die Kirche und ihre Heiligen. Studien zu Ekklesiologie und Hagiographie in der Spätantike. Tübingen 2014, 327–360.

Gwynn, David M., Athanasius of Alexandria as a pastoral father, in: Studia Patristica 72, 2014, 123–132.

Poirot, Eliane, Saint Antoine le Grand dans l'Orient chretien: dossier littéraire, hagiographique, liturgique, iconographique en langue française, Patrologia. Beiträge zum Studium der Kirchenväter XXX/1–2, Frankfurt [u.a.] 2014.

Smith, J. Warren, „Arian“ Foundationalism or „Athanasian“ Apocalypticism: A Patristic Assessment, in: Chris Tilling (Hrsg.), Beyond old and new perpectives on Paul. Reflections on the work of Douglas Campbell. Eugene, Or. 2014, 78–92.

Stevenson, Walt, Exiling Bishops: The Policy of Constantius II, in: Dumbarton Oaks Papers 68, 2014, 7–27.

Thomson, Francis J., Byzantine Erotapocritic Literature in Slavonic Translation with Special Attention to the Important Role Played by Anastasius Sinaita's Interrogationes et responsiones in the Conversion of the Slavs, in: Byzantion 84, 2014, 385–432

Zawadzki, Konrad F., Neue griechische Fragmente des Cyrill von Alexandrien, (Pseudo-)Athanasius, Philoxenos, Severus von Antiochien und Ammonios: patristische Auslegungen zum 1. Korintherbrief (ediert aus dem Codex Pantokratoros 28), in: Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity 18, 2014, 260–282

Zecher, Jonathan L., Antony's Vision of Death?: Athanasius of Alexandria, Palladius of Helenopolis, and Egyptian Mortuary Religion, in: Journal of Late Antiquity 7, 2014, 159–176

Anatolios, Khaled, „Christ the Power and Wisdom of God“: Biblical Exegesis and Polemical Intertextuality in Athanasius's Orations against the Arians, in: Journal of Early Christian Studies 21, 2013, 503–535
Abstract: Three times in the Orations against the Arians, Athanasius quotes from Asterius's exegesis of 1 Cor 1.24. In this paper, I show how Athanasius extracts four motifs from this discussion, and uses them to distinguish his own doctrinal position from Asterius, Marcellus, and Eusebius of Caesarea: the eternity of the Son; the Son's being as „proper to the essence of the Father“; the co-existence of Father and Son; and the generativity of the divine nature. Athanasius hides this complex engagement in order to achieve a polemical simplification of the post-Nicene debates into the binary framework of „orthodoxy“ vs. „heresy.“.

Barceló, Pedro, Zur Synodaltätigkeit im 4. Jh. Die Affäre Athanasius, in: Peter Eich/Eike Faber (Hrsg.), Religiöser Alltag in der Spätantike. (Potsdamer altertumswissenschaftliche Beiträge; Band 44). Stuttgart 2013, 79–94.

Cain, Andrew, The Greek Historia monachorum in Aegypto and Athanasius' Life of Antony, in: Vigiliae Christianae 67, 2013, 349–363

Flower, Richard, Emperors and Bishops in Late Roman Invective, Cambridge 2013.

Galvão-Sobrinho, Carlos R., Doctrine and Power. Theological Controversy and Christian Leadership in the Later Roman Empire, Transformation of the classical heritage 51, Berkeley [u.a.] 2013.

Gavrilyuk, Paul, Creation in Early Christian Polemical Literature: Irenaeus against the Gnostics and Athanasius against the Arians, in: Modern Theology 29, 2013, 22–32

Gwynn, David M, Athanasius of Alexandria in Greek and Coptic Historical Tradition, in: Journal of Coptic studies 15, 2013, 43–54.

Martin, Annick/Morales, Xavier, Athanase d'Alexandrie, Lettre sur les synodes, Sources Chrétiennes 563, Paris 2013
Abstract: La Lettre sur les synodes de Rimini et de Séleucie d'Isaurie d'Athanase, évêque de la grande métropole d'Alexandrie (328-373), est un témoignage essentiel pour l'histoire de l'Eglise de 325 à 360, plongée dans l'instabilité par la réception difficile du concile de Nicée (325) et par le…

Penkova, Pirinika, The Linguistic Exesgesis on Morphological Level in the Slavonic Legacy of Athanasius of Alexandria, in: Balkansko Ezikoznanie 52, 2013, 29–42.

Skeb, Matthias, Der "Gottmensch" (theios aner) : zur Bedeutung eines religionsgeschichtlichen Deutemusters für das Verständnis christlicher Leitfiguren der Spätantike, in: Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 108, 2013, 153–170.

White, Sarah L. P., Possible Apollinarian Interpolations in the Short Recension of Athanasius' Contra Gentes and De Incarnatione, in: Kenneth B. Steinhauser (Hrsg.), The use of textual criticism for the interpretation of patristic texts. Seventeen case studies. Lewiston [u.a.] 2013, 183–208.

Zarzeczny, Rafal, Some remarks concerning the Ethiopic recension of the "Life of Antony", in: Orientalia Christiana Periodica 79, 2013, 37–60.

Dîncă, Lucian, Le Christ et la Trinité chez Athanase d'Alexandrie, Patrimoines: Christianisme, Paris 2012.

Gemeinhardt, Peter, Vita Antonii oder Passio Antonii? Biographisches Genre und martyrologische Topik in der ersten Asketenvita, in: Peter Gemeinhardt/Johan Leemans (Hrsg.), Christian Martyrdom in Late Antiquity (300-450 AD) (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte; Band 116). Berlin, Boston 2012, 79–114.

Gwynn, David M, Athanasius of Alexandria. Bishop, theologian, ascetic, father, Christian Theology in Context, Oxford [u.a.] 2012.

Haase, Albert, Athanasius, The life of Antony of Egypt, Downers Grove, Ill. 2012.

Ritter, Adolf Martin, Athanasius as Trinitarian Theologian, in: Allen Brent/Markus Vinzent (Hrsg.), Studia Patristica. Vol. LII. Including papers presented at the British Patristics Conference, Durham, September 2010. Leuven et al. 2012, 101–111.

Sumner, Darren O., The Instrumentalization of Christ's Human Nature in Athanasius of Alexandria, in: Allen Brent/Markus Vinzent (Hrsg.), Studia Patristica. Vol. LII. Including papers presented at the British Patristics Conference, Durham, September 2010. Leuven et al. 2012, 129–138.

Tanaka, Hikaru, Athanasius as Interpreter of the Psalms. His Letter to Marcellinus, in: Pro Ecclesia 21, 2012, 422–447.

Tetz, Martin, Zum Psalterverständnis bei Athanasius und Luther, in: Lutherjahrbuch 79, 2012, 39–61.

Tsirpanlis, Constantine N., Aspects of Athanasian Soteriology, in: Patristic and Byzantine review 30, 2012, 23–39.

Vinzent, Markus, Direct or Discrete – On Inter-textuality and Counter-textuality in Athanasius, Orations against the Arians I–III, in: Allen Brent/Markus Vinzent (Hrsg.), Studia Patristica. Vol. LII. Including papers presented at the British Patristics Conference, Durham, September 2010. Leuven et al. 2012, 113–127.

Alba López, Almudena, La fuga de Atanasio de Alejandría. Una construcción apologética en torno a {Mt} 10,23 y sus antecedentes patrísticos., in: Studia Monastica 53, 2011, 329–336.

Alba López, Almudena, Teología política y polémica antiarriana. La influencia de las doctrinas cristianas en la ideología política del siglo IV, Plenitudo temporis. Estudios sobre los orígenes y la antigüedad cristiana, 12, Salamanque 2011.

Anatolios, Khaled, Retrieving Nicaea. The development and meaning of Trinitarian doctrine, Grand Rapids, Mich 2011.

Argaráte, Pablo, The Holy Spirit in Athanasius' Epistles to Serapion, in: Journal of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies 2, 2011, 23–43.

DelCogliano, Mark, The Influence of Athanasius and the Homoiousians on Basil of Caesarea's Decentralization of "Unbegotten", in: Journal of Early Christian Studies 19, 2011, 197–223.

DelCogliano, Mark/Radde-Gallwitz, Andrew/Ayres, Lewis, Works on the Spirit. Athanasius's letters to Serapion on the Holy Spirit, and, Didymus's On the Holy Spirit, Popular patristics series 43, Yonkers, N.Y. 2011.

Donker, Gerald J., The Text of the Apostolos in Athanasius of Alexandria, Atlanta Ga. 2011

Fernández, Tomás, Dos fragmentos inéditos de Atanasio de Alejandría, in: Erytheia 32, 2011, 79–94
Abstract: In this article, two unpublished fragments of Athanasius of Alexandria are edited. In addition to this, their relation to the work by Athanasius from which they are taken -the Scholia in Matthaeum-, together with the position of these fragments within the Byzantine anthology in which they are preserved -namely, the 9th or 10th c. Florilegium Coislinianum- are briefly explained.

Gemeinhardt, Peter (Hrsg.), Athanasius Handbuch, Tübingen 2011.

Gwynn, David M., Athanasius in oriental historical tradition, in: Christopher Kelly/Richard Flower/Michael Stuart Williams (Hrsg.), Unclassical Traditions. Volume II: Perspectives from East and West in late Antiquity (Cambridge Classical Journal. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society. Supplementary; Band 35). Cambridge 2011, 43–58.

Jung, Martin H., Die Bedeutung der Wüste in der Vita Antonii und in den Apophthegmata patrum, in: Albrecht Beutel (Hrsg.), Religiöse Erfahrung und wissenschaftliche Theologie. Festschrift für Ulrich Köpf zum 70. Geburtstag. Tübingen 2011, 157–187.

Martin, Annick, Athanase et les néo-ariens, in: Doris Meyer (Hrsg.), Philostorge et l'historiographie de l'Antiquité tardive (Collegium Beatus Rhenanus; Band 3). Stuttgart 2011, 275–288.

Simonetti, Manlio, Tra Atanasio e Melezio, in: Paola Buzi/Alberto Camplani (Hrsg.), Christianity in Egypt. Literary production and intellectual trends. Studies in honor of Tito Orlandi (Studia ephemeridis Augustinianum; Band 125). Roma 2011, 465–476.

Avagyan, Anahit, Die armenische Athanasius-Überlieferung, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 43–59.

Beek, Abraham van de, The Relevance of Athanasius in Dogmatics, in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 287–309

Brakke, David, A New Fragment of Athanasius's Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter: Heresy, Apocrypha, and the Canon, in: Harvard Theological Review 103, 2010, 47–66

Brennecke, Hanns Christof, Athanasius von Alexandrien in der abendländischen Rezeption bis zur Frühen Neuzeit, in: Silke-Petra Bergjan/Karla Pollmann (Hrsg.), Patristic Tradition and Intellectual Paradigms in the 17th Century (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation; Band 52). Tübingen 2010, 137–157.

Brennecke, Hanns Christof, Die letzten Jahre des Arius, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 63–83.

Cassingéna-Trévédy, François, Le livre 12 de « La Trinité », « Sapientia nata »: Hilaire et Athanase, in: Dominique Bertrand (Hrsg.), Dieu Trinité d'hier à demain avec Hilaire de Poitiers. Actes du congrès-colloque du Futuroscope de Poitiers, 15-17 novembre 2002 (Patrimoines. Christianisme). Paris 2010, 253–267.

Geest, Paul van, '… seeing that for monks the life of Antony is a sufficient pattern of discipline.' Athanasius as Mystagogue in his Vita Antonii, in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 199–221

Goudriaan, Aza, Athanasius in Reformed Protestantism: Some Aspects of Reception History (1527–1607), in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 257–276

Heil, Uta, Markell von Ankyra und das Romanum, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 85–103.

Kwon, Junghoo, Classification Difficulty: A Case of Athanasius and Hilary. Based upon their respective De Synodis, in: Annuarium historiae conciliorum 42, 2010, 145–170.

Meijering, Eginhard, Athanasius on God as Creator and Recreator, in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 175–197

Meijering, Eginhard, The Judgement on Athanasius in the Historiography of Christian Dogma (Mosheim—Baur—Harnack), in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 277–286

Müller, Christian, Das Phänomen des »lateinischen Athanasius«, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 3–42.

Neamțu, Mihail, The Life of the Cross in St Athanasius, in: Vincent Twomey/Dirk Krausmüller (Hrsg.), Salvation According to the Fathers of the Church. The Proceedings of the Sixth International Patristic Conference, Maynooth, Belfast, 2005. Dublin [u.a.] 2010, 45–59.

Robertson, Jon, Hermeneutical horizons. A Challenge to Moderns from Athanasius and Gadamer, in: Cultural encounters 6, 2010, 35–42.

Romeny, Bas ter Haar, Athanasius in Syriac, in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 225–256

Savvidis, Kyriakos, Athanasius Werke. Band I/Teil 1: Die dogmatischen Schriften. Lfg. 4: Epistulae I–IV ad Serapionem; herausgegeben von Dietmar Wyrwa, Berlin/New York 2010.

Segneri, Angelo (Hrsg.), Atanasio. Lettera agli Antiocheni. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento, Biblioteca patristica 46, Bologna 2010.

Stockhausen, Annette von, Die pseud-athanasianische Disputatio contra Arium. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit »arianischer« Theologie in Dialogform, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 133–155. URL:

Stockhausen, Annette von, Die pseud-athanasianische Homilia de semente. Einleitung, Text und Übersetzung, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 157–203. URL:

Stockhausen, Annette von, Einblicke in die Geschichte der »Athanasius Werke«. Die Briefe Hans-Georg Opitz” an Eduard Schwartz, in: Annette von Stockhausen/Hanns Christof Brennecke (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke« (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur; Band 164). Berlin 2010, 207–304. URL:

Stockhausen, Annette von/Brennecke, Hanns Christof (Hrsg.), Von Arius zum Athanasianum. Studien zur Edition der »Athanasius Werke«, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 164, Berlin 2010. URL:

Watts, Edward Jay, Riot in Alexandria. Tradition and group dynamics in late antique pagan and Christian communities, The transformation of the classical heritage 46, Berkeley u.a. 2010.

Wilgenburg, Arwin van, The Reception of Athanasius within Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology, in: Church History and Religious Culture 90, 2010, 311–337

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Zañartu, Sergio, El Espíritu tiene respecto al Hijo el mismo orden y naturaleza que este tiene respecto al Padre (Atanasio, 1. Serapión, 21). Algunas notas a propósito de la "intermediación" del Hijo, in: Samuel Fernández (Hrsg.), Multifariam. Homenaje a los profesores Anneliese Meis, Antonio Bentue? y Sergio Silva. Santiago 2010, 231–240.

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Bright, Pamela, Antony of Egypt and the Discernment of Spirits: The Vita of Athanasius and the Letters of Antony, in: György Heidl/Róbert Somos (Hrsg.), Origeniana nona. Origen and the religious practice of his time. Papers of the 9th International Origen Congress, Pécs, Hungary, 29 August – 2 September 2005 (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium; Band 228). Leuven [u.a.] 2009, 549–556.

Ernest, James D., Patristic Exegesis and the Arithmetic of the Divine from the Apologists to Athanasius, in: Andrew Brian McGowan (Hrsg.), God in Early Christian Thought. Essays in Memory of Lloyd G. Patterson (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae; Band 94). Leiden [u.a.] 2009, 123–150.

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Martin, Annick, Athanase, Antoine et Origène: D'un modèle chrétien à un autre, in: György Heidl/Róbert Somos (Hrsg.), Origeniana nona. Origen and the religious practice of his time. Papers of the 9th International Origen Congress, Pécs, Hungary, 29 August - 2 September 2005 (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium; Band 228). Leuven [u.a.] 2009, 577–595.

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Pesthy, Monika, Origène et les démons d'Antoine, in: György Heidl/Róbert Somos (Hrsg.), Origeniana nona. Origen and the religious practice of his time. Papers of the 9th International Origen Congress, Pécs, Hungary, 29 August - 2 September 2005 (Bibliotheca ephemeridum theologicarum Lovaniensium; Band 228). Leuven [u.a.] 2009, 597–604.

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Anatolios, Khaled, Athanasius's Christology Today. The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ in »On the Incarnation«, in: Peter William Martens (Hrsg.), In the shadow of the incarnation. Essays on Jesus Christ in the Early Church in Honor of Brian E. Daley, S.J. Notre Dame, Ind. 2008, 29–49.

Delicostopoulos, A., The Platonism of Athanasius the Great and his concrete expression of the Orthodox dogmas of the Son of God and of the Holy Trinity, in: Diotima 36, 2008, 104–112.

Donker, G., Athanasius's Contribution to the Alexandrian Textual Tradition of the Pauline Epistles: An Initial Exploration, in: TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 13, 2008, 1–25

Fatti, Federico, Parthenòn. A proposito di un «problema-fantasma» (Athanasius, Vita Antonii 3,1), in: Rivista di storia del cristianesimo 5, 2008, 201–213.

Gain, Benoît, La préparation des Opera Omnia d'Athanase d'après une lettre de Montfaucon (1692). Récemment acquise par la Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, in: Estelle Oudot/Fabrice Poli (Hrsg.), Epiphania. Études orientales, grecques et latines offertes à Aline Pourkier (Études anciennes; Band 34). Nancy 2008, 117–129.

Gandt, Lois, A philological and theological analysis of the ancient Latin translations of the "Vita Antonii" 2008

Heil, Uta, Athanasius von Alexandria, Gegen die Heiden, Über die Menschwerdung des Wortes Gottes, Über die Beschlüsse der Synode von Nizäa, Frankfurt am Main/Leipzig 2008.

King, Benjamin John, „In whose name I write“: Newman's two translations of Athanasius, in: Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte (Journal for the History of Modern Theology) 15, 2008, 32–55.

Morales, Xavier, A propos de la Vie d'Antoine: Quelques remarques sur le style d'Athanase, in: Estelle Oudot/Fabrice Poli (Hrsg.), Epiphania. Études orientales, grecques et latines offertes à Aline Pourkier (Études anciennes; Band 34). Nancy 2008, 173–185.

Nuffelen, Peter Van, Arius, Athanase et les autres: Dimensions juridiques et politiques du retour d'Exil au IVe siècle, in: Philippe Blaudeau (Hrsg.), Exil et relégation . Les tribulations du sage et du saint durant l'antiquité Romaine et Chrétienne (Ier–IVe s. ap. J.-C.). Actes du colloque organisé par le Centre Jean-Charles Picard, Université de Paris XII-Val de Marne (17 - 18 juin 2005). Paris 2008, 147–175.

Parvis, Sara, „Τὰ τίνων ἄρα ῥήματα θεολογεῖ?“: the exegetical relationship between Athanasius' Orationes contra Arianos I-III and Marcellus of Ancyra's Contra Asterium, in: Lorenzo DiTommaso/Lucian Turcescu (Hrsg.), The Reception and Interpretation of the Bible in Late Antiquity. Proceedings of the Montréal Colloquium in Honour of Charles Kannengiesser, 11-13 October 2006 (The Bible in Ancient Christianity; Band 6) 2008, 337–367.

Pietras, Henryk, Lettera di Costantino alla Chiesa di Alessandria e lettera del sinodo di Nicea agli Egiziani (325): i falsi sconosciuti da Atanasio?, in: Gregorianum 89, 2008, 727–739
Abstract: The article proposes the hypothesis that the letters known as direct witnesses to the work of the council of Nicea (the letter of Constantine to the Church of Alexandria and the letter of the council of Nicea to the Egyptians) are indeed false: that is, they are letters written after the episcopate of Athanasius. The political-ecclesial situation of Alexandria in the years 373-378 (circa) appears to be that described in the two letters and the only one possible, in my opinion, that corresponds to their tone and content. For this reason, their contents should not be considered a valid source for our knowledge of the themes discussed at the council.

Piper, John, Contending for Christ „contra mundum“. Exile and incarnation in the life of Athanasius, in: Southern Baptist journal of theology 12, 2008, 18–36.

Urbano, Arthur, „Read it also to the gentiles“: the displacement and recasting of the philosopher in the „Vita Antonii“, in: Church History 77, 2008, 877–914.

Weinrich, William C., God did not create death: Athanasius on the atonement, in: Concordia theological quarterly 72, 2008, 291–304.

Brennecke, Hanns Christof u. a. (Hrsg.), Athanasius Werke. Dritter Band/Erster Teil: Dokumente zur Geschichte des arianischen Streites. 3. Lieferung: Bis zur Ekthesis Makrostichos, Berlin/New York 2007.

Bumaznov, Dmitrij F., The Evil Angels in the „Vita“ and the „Letters“ of St. Antony the Great. Some Observations concerning the Problem of the Authenticity of the „Letters“, in: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 11, 2007, 500–516.

Demacopolous, George E., Five Models of Spiritual Direction in the Early Church, in:. Notre Dame 2007, 21–49.180–189.

Elliott, Tom, Was the Tomus ad Antiochenos a Pacific Document?, in: JEH 58, 2007, 1–8.

Heil, Uta, Athanasius als Apologet des Christentums. Einleitungsfragen zum Doppelwerk Contra genes / De incarnatione, in: Anders-Christian Jacobsen/Jörg Ulrich (Hrsg.), Three Greek apologists. Drei griechische Apologeten: Origen, Eusebius, and Athanasius. Origenes, Eusebius und Athanasius (Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity; Band 3). Frankfurt, M. 2007, 159–188.

Heil, Uta, Athanasius und Eusebius. Zum Rückgriff des Athanasius auf Euseb von Caesarea, in: Anders-Christian Jacobsen/Jörg Ulrich (Hrsg.), Three Greek apologists. Drei griechische Apologeten: Origen, Eusebius, and Athanasius. Origenes, Eusebius und Athanasius (Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity; Band 3). Frankfurt, M. 2007, 189–214.

Robertson, J. M., Christ as Mediator. A Study of the Theologies of Eusebius of Caesarea, Marcellus of Ancyra, and Athanasius of Alexandria, Oxford Theological Monographs, Oxford 2007.

Stavrou, Michel, Le mystère de Dieu le Père chez saint Athanase d'Alexandrie, in: Ysabel de Andia/Peter Leander Hofrichter (Hrsg.), Gott, Vater und Schöpfer. Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens. Pro Oriente-Studientagung »Le Mystère du Dieu, Père et Createur«–»Das Geheimnis Gottes: Vater und Schöpfer«, Luxemburg, Juni 2005. Innsbruck 2007, 77–97.

Voicu, Sever J., Settimana santa, digiuno e Quaresima nelle sottoscrizioni delle „Lettere festali“ di Atanasio, in: Augustinianum 47, 2007, 283–297.

Weinandy, Thomas G., Athanasius. A Theological Introduction, Great Theologians Series, Aldershot 2007.

Zañartu, Sergio, El logos en el De incarnatione verbi de Atanasio : una primera aproximación, in: Teología y vida 48, 2007, 261–301.

Anatolios, Khaled, 'When Was God without Wisdom?' Trinitarian Hermeneutics and Rhetorical Strategy in Athanasius, in: StPat 41, 2006, 117–123.

Berthold, George C., The Procession of the Spirit in Athanasius, in: StPat 41, 2006, 125–131.

Brennecke, Hanns Christof, Zwei Apologien des Athanasius an Kaiser Constantius II., in: ZAC 10, 2006, 67–85.

Brennecke, Hanns Christof/Heil, Uta/Stockhausen, Annette von (Hrsg.), Athanasius Werke II 8. Die »Apologien«, Berlin/New York 2006.

Camplani, Alberto, Atanasio di Alessandria, in: Nuovo Dizionario patristico e di antichità cristiane 1, 2006, 614–635.

Demacopoulos, George E., Ambivalence in Athanasius' Approach to Spiritual Direction, in: StPat 41, 2006, 145–149.

Doval, Alexis James, Multiple Models of Atonement in Athanasius' De Incarnatione, in: StPat 41, 2006, 151–156.

Fiaschi, Silvia (Hrsg.), Athanasii Alexandrini Opuscula Omnibono Leoniceno interprete, Il Ritorno dei Classici nell'Umanesimo III.2, Firenze 2006
Abstract: La fortuna umanistica di sant'Atanasio (IV sec. d.C.), uno dei Padri greci più letti ed apprezzati nel Quattrocento, fu determinata sia dalle istanze conciliari, che spinsero a riscoprirne, ricercarne, analizzarne i testi, sia dall'interesse suscitato dalla vita e dagli scritti di questo grande rappresentante della lotta contro Ario in alcuni dei maggiori intellettuali dell'epoca che gli dedicarono biografie e ne tradussero le opere. I nove opuscoli volti in latino da Ognibene de' Bonisoli da Lonigo intorno alla metà del secolo e dedicati a Paolo II rappresentano senza dubbio l'espressione più significativa del consenso riscosso dal Patriarca Alessandrino. Tali versioni, che costituirono il primo consistente corpus atanasiano messo in circolazione in Occidente anche grazie all'editio princeps del 1482, furono esplicitamente utilizzate nell'ambito della propaganda antiturca. Data l'ampiezza e la difficoltà dei testi affrontati, esse assumono un notevole rilievo filologico, perché permettono di valutare a pieno la tecnica e le capacità interpretative del Bonisoli, e diventano di conseguenza un prezioso strumento di conoscenza del metodo impartito alla scuola di Vittorino da Feltre, di cui il Leoniceno fu uno dei più fedeli proseliti.

Gemeinhardt, P., Der Tomus ad Antiochenos (362) und die Vielfalt orthodoxer Theologien im 4. Jahrhundert, in: ZKG 117, 2006, 169–196.

Gwynn, David M., Hoi peri Eusebion: The Polemic of Athanasius and the Early 'Arian Controversy', in: StPat 39, 2006, 53–57.

Gwynn, David M., The Eusebians. The Polemic of Athanasius of Alexandria and the Construction of the „Arian Controversy“, Oxford Theological Monographs, Oxford/New York 2006.

Heil, Uta, Athanasius und Basilius, in: ZAC 10, 2006, 103–120.

Kannengiesser, Charles, The Dating of Athanasius' Double Apology and Three Treatises Against the Arians, in: ZAC 10, 2006, 19–33.

Kelly, Patricia Hardcastle, Athanasius' christology in theory and practice: a comparison of the “Vita Antonii“ and the “De incarnatione“, in: The Downside review 124, 2006, 157–168.

Kolbet, Paul R., Athanasius, the Psalms, and the Reformation of the Self, in: Harvard Theological Review 99, 2006, 85–101
Abstract: Shortly after his death, the influential fourth century bishop, Athanasius of Alexandria, was recognized for introducing the contemplative traditions of the Egyptian monks to the urban Christians of Alexandria and for bringing the desert monks into communion with the Alexandrian episcopacy. Athanasius accomplished this by quite intentionally bridging the distance (physical and spiritual) between desert and city. Over time, with his tireless effort, the daily spiritual practices of the monks became those of the urban Christian and the monks came increasingly under the sway of the Alexandrian episcopacy. As a consequence of his commitment to bringing the desert closer to the city, Athanasius thoroughly integrated ascetic practice into his theology and it proved to be a decisive component of his ecclesiastical politics. A letter Athanasius wrote to a certain Marcellinus provides valuable insight into the shape of Athanasius's spiritual program, its relationship to previous Hellenistic philosophical traditions, and, especially, the crucial function of the psalms in the reformation of the self.

Lienhard, Joseph T., Two Friends of Athanasius: Marcellus of Ancyra and Apollinaris of Laodicea, in: ZAC 10, 2006, 56–66.

Martin, Annik, Athanase d'Alexandrie et l'Église d'Égypte: un réexamen, in: Adamantius 12, 2006, 91–104.

Meyer, J. R., God's trinitarian substance in Athanasian theology, in: Scottish journal of theology 59, 2006, 81–97.

Monaci Castagno, Adele, Le trasformazioni del discorso agiografico da Eusebio a Atanasio, in: Annali di storia dell' esegesi 23, 2006, 45–65.

Morales, Xavier, La Thologie trinitaire d'Athanase d'Alexandrie, Collection des tudes Augustiniennes – Srie Antiquit 180, Paris 2006.

Overwien, Oliver, Neues zu den Quellen der Vita Antonii des Athanasius, in: Millenium 3, 2006, 159–184.

Portmann, Werner, Athanasius, Zwei Schriften gegen die Arianer. Verteidigungsschrift gegen die Arianer / Geschichte der Arianer, BGL 65, Stuttgart 2006.

Rooy, Harry F. van, The Peshitta and biblical quotations in the longer Syriac version of the commentary of Athanasius on the Psalms (BL add. 14568): with special attention to Psalm 23 (24) and 102 (103), in: Bas ter Haar Romeny (Hrsg.), The Peshitta – its use in literature and liturgy: papers read at the Third Peshitta Symposium (Monographs of the Peshitta Institute Leiden; Band 15) 2006, 311–325.

Rooy, H. F. van, The Text of the Psalms in the shorter Syriac Commentary of Athanasius, in: W.Th. van Peursen/R. B. ter Haar Romeny (Hrsg.), Text, Translation, and Tradition. Studies on the Peshitta and its Use in the Syriac Tradition Presented to Konrad D. Jenner on the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Monographs of the Pishitta Institute Leiden; Band 14). Leiden/Boston 2006, 165–175.

Rubenson, Samuel, Antony and Pythagoras. A Reappraisal of the Appropriation of Classical Biography in Athanasius' Vita Antonii, in: David Brakke/Anders-Christian Jacobsen/Jörg Ulrich (Hrsg.), Beyond Reception. Mutual Influences between Antique Religion, Judaism, and Early Christianity (Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity; Band 1). Frankurt a. Main 2006, 191–208.

Schubert, Christoph, Ein wiedergewonnenes Schreiben des Eusebius von Vercelli, in: ZAC 10, 2006, 15–18.

Spoerl, Kelley McCarthy, Athanasius and the Anti-Marcellan Controversy, in: ZAC 10, 2006, 34–55.

Stockhausen, Annette von, Athanasius in Antiochien, in: ZAC 10, 2006, 86–102. URL:

Weedman, Mark, Not the Athanasius of the West: Hilary's Changing Relationship with Athanasius, in: StPat 42, 2006, 411–415.

Weinandy, Thomas G., Athanasius: The Incarnation of the Soul of Christ, in: StPat 41, 2006, 265–269.

Andrist, P., Les protagonistes égyptiens du débat apollinariste : le "< Dialogue d'Athanase et Zachée "> et les dialogues pseudoathanasiens. Intertextualité et polémique religieuse en Égypte vers la fin du IV siècle, in: Recherches augustiniennes et patristiques 34, 2005, 63–141.

Djurić, Ž., Distinction and Correlation between εἰκὼν τοῦ θεοῦ and κατ' εἰκόνα in St. Athanasius of Alexandria, in: Philotheos 5, 2005, 203–207.

Dorival, G., L'apport des Synopses transmises sous le nom d'Athanase et de Jean Chrysostome à la question du corpus littéraire de la Bible, in: G. Dorival u. a. (Hrsg.), Qu'est-ce qu'un corpus littéraire? Recherches sur le corpus biblique et les corpus patristiques (Collection de la Revue des Études Juives; Band 35). Paris/Leuven 2005, 53–93.

Gain, B., L'édition de saint Athanase par Montfaucon (1698): genèse, méthodes et résultats, in: Sacris erudiri 44, 2005, 77–92.

Gonnet, Dominique, L'Esprit saint dans la vie de l'Église selon Athanase, in: Ysabel de Andia/Peter L. Hofrichter (Hrsg.), Der Heilige Geist im Leben der Kirche: Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens. Pro Oriente-Studientagung »Der Heilige Geist bei den Griechischen und Lateinischen Kirchenvätern im Ersten Jahrtausend« (Wien, Juni 2003) (Patristische Tagungen 2 = Pro Oriente 29). Innsbruck/Wien 2005, 141–149.

Gruen, William C., The compilation and dissemination of “The Life of Antony“ (Saint Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria) 2005
Abstract: Despite the massive amounts of scholarship on the topic, the scholarly community is still deeply divided on most questions pertaining to the fourth century hagiography, The Life of Antony. Two of these questions, ">Which extant linguistic tradition reflects the oldest reading?"< and ">Under what circumstances (and by whom) was the document written?"< can be better understood by examining the use of ethnic and religious identifiers in The Life. What the equivalent terms ">Greek"< and ">Egyptian"< mean in the different linguistic traditions and how they are used in the context of the narrative can be used to determine if the work has been translated to a different cultural setting in a different language. Having determined the oldest extant form of the work (the Greek version), I then offer a synthesis which reconstructs how these oldest readings were aimed at a monastic community in the vicinity of Alexandria by the most renowned bishop of that city, Athanasius, and then translated and disseminated around the empire.

Milko, Pavel, Original Sin in Athanasius' De incarnatione, in: Byzantinoslavica 63, 2005, 7–45.

Nuffelen, P. van, Three historical problems in the “Apologia secunda“ of Athanasius, in: Sacris erudiri 44, 2005, 93–115.

Schneider, Carolyn, The intimate connection between Christ and Christians in Athanasius, in: Scottish Journal of Theology 58, 2005, 1–12
Abstract: The Middle Platonic concept of „participation“ in the Forms is important for Christ. Yet, Athanasius adapts this concept to his Johannine view of the Word of God incarnate in Christ. He turns to the language of bodily creation and kinship rather than contemplation to express the relationship between Christ and Christians. For Athanasius, evil makes it impossible for humans to contemplate the divine Word by which they were created. Therefore, the Word embodied a new humanity in Christ. The Holy Spirit enables Christians to participate in Christ, becoming thereby part of a new humanity and children of God.

Stocchi, M., Atanasio d'Alessandria e l'origine del monachesimo italico: alcune considerazioni su un problema aperto, in: Benedictina 52, 2005, 15–40.

Yeum, Changseon, Die Synode von Alexandrien (362). Die dogmengeschichtliche und kirchenpolitische Bedeutung für die Kirche im 4. Jahrhundert, Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte 34, Münster 2005.

Anatolios, Khaled, Athanasius, The Early Church Fathers, London 2004.

Ayres, Lewis, Athanasius' initial defense of the term ὁμοούσιος: rereading the „De decretis“, in: Journal of early Christian studies 12, 2004, 337–359
Abstract: Athanasius begins to defend Nicaea's ὁμοούσιος in the De decretis of ca. 353, pursuing two basic strategies. First, the term is defended as a necessary corollary of Nicaea's controversial phrase Greek 1, a phrase which appears to be more fundamental to Athanasius. Second, however, he defends both ὁμοούσιος and Greek 1 as necessary in order to preserve the sense of important scriptural terminologies that he takes to emphasize the Son's status as the Father's Wisdom and Word. ὁμοούσιος thus functions as a cipher for phrases that are what Richard Vaggione has termed „basic dogmatic statements.“ In his account of Nicaea Athanasius also appears to draw on Eusebius of Caesarea's argument in his Epistula ad Caesarienses of 326. The skill with which he adopts and adapts Eusebius' arguments further demonstrates the subtlety with which doctrinal ciphers could be explored and deployed.

Bienert, Wolfgang A., Athanasius von Alexandrien – Kirchenvater der einen Christenheit, in: J. Arnold u. a. (Hrsg.), Väter der Kirche. Ekklesiales Denken von den Anfängen bis in die Neuzeit. Festgabe für Hermann Josef Sieben SJ zum 70. Geburtstag. Paderborn/München/Wien/Zürich 2004, 167–188.

Böhm, T., Athanasius, An Marcellinus. Der Psalter als Mitte des Lebens der Kirche, in: BiLi 77, 2004, 155–160.

Ernest, J. D., The Bible in Athanasius of Alexandria, The Bible in Ancient Christianity 2, Leiden / Boston 2004.

Gonnet, D., La réception de Nicée I par Athanase: quels types de langage utilise-t-il pour parler du Verbe?, in: P. L. Hofrichter/Y. de Andia (Hrsg.), Christus bei den Vätern: Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens. Pro-Oriente-Studientagung »Christus bei den Griechischen und Lateinischen Kirchenvätern im ersten Jahrtausend« (Wien, 7.-9. Juni 2001) (Patristische Tagungen 1 = Pro Oriente 27). Innsbruck/Wien 2004, 157–163.

Louth, Andrew, The fourth-century Alexandrians: Athanasius and Didymus, in: Frances M. Young/Lewis Ayres/Andrew Louth (Hrsg.), The Cambridge history of early Christian literature. Cambridge 2004, 313–398.

Morales, Xavier, La préhistoire de la controverse filioquiste, in: ZAC 8, 2004, 317–331.

Olbrich, K., Athanasius, die Kaiser und der Anbruch einer neuen Ära: Propaganda und Münzprägung um 343 n. Chr., in: Klio 86, 2004, 415–441.

Piepenbrink, K., Das römische Kaisertum und das Verhältnis von Kaiser und Kirche bei Athanasius von Alexandrien, in: Klio 86, 2004, 398–414.

Russell, Paul S., Ephraem and Athanasius on the knowledge of Christ : two anti-Arian treatments of Mark 13:32, in: Gregorianum 85, 2004, 445–474.

Williams, Rowan, Athanasius and the Arian crisis, in: Gillian R. Evans (Hrsg.), The first Christian theologians: an introduction to theology in the early church 2004, 157–167.

Wipszycka, E., La Vita Antonii confrontée avec la réalité géographique, in: U. Zanetti/E. Lucchesi (Hrsg.), Aegyptus Christiana. Mélanges d'hagiographie égyptienne et orientale dédiés à la mémoire du Père Paul Devos Bollandiste (Cahiers de l'Orientalisme; Band 25). Genève 2004, 135–148.

Yates, J. P., The Reception of the Epistle of James in the Latin West: Did Athanasius Play a Role?, in: J. Schlosser (Hrsg.), The Catholic Epistles and the Tradition (BEThL; Band 176). Leuven 2004, 273–288.

Zanetti, Ugo, Antoine n'avait pas appris les lettres ọts\ Une allusion biblique (Jn 7,15)?, in: Irenikon 77, 2004, 537–547.

Athanase d'Alexandrie, Les Trois Discours contre les ariens. Traduction et notes par Adelin Rousseau. Ouverture et guide de lecture par René Lafontaine, Donner raison 15, Bruxelles 2004.

Aguiñaga Fernández, J. M., El martirio de conciencia en Orígenes y Atanasio según la „Exhortación al martirio“ y la „Vida de Antonio“, in: Augustinianum 43, 2003, 313–364.

Bertrand, D., Le discernement des esprits et la port'ee th'eologique de la Vie d'Antoine par Athanase, in: P. Lardet (Hrsg.), La tradition vive. Mélanges d'histoire des textes en l'honneur de Louis Holtz (Bibliologia; Band 20). Turnhout 2003, 367–376.

Contaldo, Anna Paola, Filosofia e filosofi nella riflessione di Atanasio di Alessandria, in: Studia Patavina 50, 2003, 115–145.

Donato, G., La „Vita Antonii“ di Atanasio: ascesi e lavoro, in: 30, 2003, 273–284.

Gwynn, David M., The construction of a »heretical party« in the »Apologia contra Arianos« of Athanasius of Alexandria, in: Prudentia 35, 2003, 161–187
Abstract: The »Arian conspiracy« of the Eusebians that dominates the narrative of the »Apologia contra Arianos« represents Athanasius' later reinterpretation of his past, imposing upon his earlier career the image of his foes that he constructed in A.D. 335. This reinterpretation contrasts with the earlier evidence, both of the documents that he quotes and of his own »Festal letters« before the Council of Tyre. Only when the existence of hoi peri Eusebion has been recognized as a polemical construct can we free ourselves from the vision of the 4th-cent. church divided between »Arian« and orthodox parties.

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ΤΟΥ ΕΝ ΑΓΙΟΙΣ ΠΑΤΡΟΣ ΗΜΩΝ ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΥ ΑΡΧΙΕΠΙΣΚΟΠΟΥ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΕΙΑΣ ΤΑ ΕΥΡΙΣΚΟΜΕΝΑ ΑΠΑΝΤΑ. Sancti Patris Nostri Athanasii Archiepiscopi Alexandriae Opera Qvae Reperivntvr Omnia. Editio Nova juxta Parisinam Anni MDCXXVI adornata, Quam haec editio aliis hactenus vulgatis locupletior sit Epistola ad Lectorem indicabit …, Coloniae 1686

Nanninck, Pieter, Athanasii Magni Alexandrini Episcopi, Graviss. Scriptoris, Et Sanctiss. Martyris, Opera In quatuor Tomos distributa, Basileae 1556

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Athanasii Episcopi Alexandrini Opera Stvdiosivs Qvam Antea Fverint, A Situ Vindicata, Qvorvm Catalogvs Seqvitvr ; Commentarij in Epistolas Pauli, qui a plerisq[ue] Vvlgario adscribuntur ; Contra Gentiles Liber unus ; De incarnatione uerbi eiusque ad nos per corpus adventu ; Disputatio contra Arrium ; In vim Psalmorum opusculum ; Exhortatio ad Mnachos ; De passione Imaginis domini nostri Libellus ; Epistolae nonnullae Romanorum Pontificum ad Athenasium & Athanasij ad eosdem ; Eiusdem Athanasij de variis quaestionibus Liber. Accessit praeterea operi, Erasmi Roterodami Paraclesis, ipsiusq[ue] Athanasij vita, Argentinae 1522

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